Bible Game That Can Be Run Off for Valentine Day

Family Effect: seven Not bad Big Valentine's Twenty-four hours Bible Activities

Looking for a way to help your families grow together? Utilise any or all of these Valentine's Day Bible activities with kids or families to help them experience God's eye and take that overflowing beloved out into their neighborhood!

Valentine's 24-hour interval Activity #1: The Heartbeat of God

You'll Need:

  • a Bible,
  • several heart cut-outs,
  • and masking tape

The Feel

Hang the heart cut-outs on the wall. Create a big outline of a centre on the flooring with masking tape. Point to one of the hearts hanging on the wall. Say: When we see a heart, we usually think about beloved. Let's read what the Bible says nigh love.Read aloud i John 4:eight.


  • What do you retrieve information technology means that God is dearest?
  • When you think of God'south honey, what words come to listen?

Have anybody stand on the outline of the heart y'all taped on the floor and hold easily.

A group of children standing in a circle holding hands.

Say: I'g going to squeeze the hand of the person to my right. When that person feels my squeeze, that person will squeeze the next person's paw. As soon equally you feel a clasp, pass it on to the next person and permit's see if we tin can keep information technology going! Let the game continue around the circumvolve several times until y'all can clearly meet the squeezes being passed and there's a expert rhythm around the circle.

When there's adept momentum, say: Go along it going! We tin can think of this equally God'south heartbeat. When we receive his love, nosotros can give it away and his love keeps on going forever!

Afterward, ask:

  • What are some loving things people have done for y'all?
  • What are some ways you've passed on God'due south love to other people?

Say: When nosotros experience God'southward love, nosotros become to pass it on to other people, just as we passed our heartbeat around the circle. Let's remember to laissez passer on God'south love!

Valentine's Day Activity #2: Heart Tag

You'll Need:

  • a Bible,
  • center stickers (one sheet per person),
  • and a large, open activity area

Set up up chairs around the perimeter of the room.

The Experience

Children playing tag with smart heart shaped stickers.

Say: Have you lot ever noticed that when you give something away, you usually don't have information technology anymore? If yous spend all your coin, you lot don't have whatever left. If y'all pour milk into cups and everyone drinks it, yous don't accept any left. Let's endeavour a game to see just how this works. I'm going to give everyone a sheet of stickers, and yous all need to run around the room "tagging" each other with stickers. Be gentle with each other, only keep going until you're all out of stickers. When yous run out, sit in a chair next to your family unit or friends.

Have adults or older children help you distribute the sticker sheets. Allow time for everyone to play. When all the sheets are empty, have everyone sit down down.

Say: Testify me your sheets of stickers. Hold them up loftier! Pause. It looks like all your stickers are gone.


  • Even though you lot gave away all your center stickers, how many do you take?

Allow fourth dimension for people to count the stickers attached to them.


  • Tell about a time you gave abroad love and felt loved in return.

Say: In God's kingdom, we give away love but we keep getting more and more than of it. God keeps on showing us his love, so we'll never run out.

Read aloud Romans 8:38-39.

Zero can make God stop loving u.s.. Nil volition always brand God's love run out.

Valentine'south Mean solar day Activity #3: Servant Love

You'll Need:

  • a Bible,
  • a large bowl of warm h2o,
  • and one clean washcloth per person

Have everyone sit in a chair. Instruct people to accept off their socks and shoes, leaving them effectually the edges of the room. When people are set, place the bowl of water in the middle of the room. Then take anybody sit down on the floor in a circle. Distribute washcloths.

The Experience

Say: God'south dearest never runs out. But how exactly practice nosotros requite away God'due south love? Jesus showed us past case how to practise merely that. In John 13, Jesus chose the dirtiest, grossest job he could-washing his friends' anxiety. Back in those days, people walked everywhere on dusty roads wearing just sandals. Their anxiety got filthy, and they had to wash them oftentimes. God's love flowed through Jesus then he could serve others by doing a yucky job. Nosotros tin show God's dearest, too, by serving each other.

Begin with the person to your left. Dip part of your washcloth into the water bowl, and gently wash the person'southward feet. Dry them with the dry out portion of the fabric. Then continue to move the water basin along while each person washes the feet of the person to his or her left. (To save time in a very big group, take people sit in smaller circles of up to eight with a water bowl and cloths for each group).

One time everyone's feet are make clean, say: Return with your family or friends to your shoes. Rather than just putting on your own socks and shoes, help each other put on socks and shoes. Tell each other, "God loves you" as you serve each other.


  • Why do you remember Jesus chose this human action as a manner to show dear?
  • How has Jesus shown dear to y'all?
  • How tin you share God'southward dear by serving your family unit throughout the calendar week?

Say: When Jesus showed honey past washing his friends' feet, he told us to follow that example. He wants the states to dear others by being servants. That's how we overflow his love to other people.

Valentine's Day Activity #4: Down in My Heart

Y'all'll Need:

  • a Bible

The Feel

Have anybody stand up in the eye of the room but instruct them to split upward, males on 1 side and females continuing on the other side. Read aloud 1 Thessalonians 3:12.

Say: When God's love fills your heart, sometimes information technology spills over! We're going to encounter which group tin evidence the most enthusiasm. When you lot hear the words "down in my eye," I'll point to either the girls or the boys. If I point to your group, shout out "Where?" as loudly every bit you can.

Sing or have a volunteer sing "I've Got the Joy," alternate which grouping you point to subsequently each line.


I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart, Down in my heart, Down in my heart
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart, Downwardly in my eye to stay!

I've got the love of Jesus, honey of Jesus
Downward in my heart, Down in my heart, Down in my heart
I've got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus
Down in my heart, Down in my heart to stay!

I've got the peace that passes understanding
Down in my eye, Down in my heart, Down in my heart
I've got the peace that passes understanding
Down in my heart, Downwardly in my middle to stay!

After singing, ask:

  • What are the signs that someone has God's joy, dearest, and peace in their eye?
  • How does God put his joy, love, and peace in your eye?
  • How have you seen God'south love overflow from your eye?

Say: When God's dearest and joy are downwards in our hearts, they spill out and other people get to come across that honey and joy, too.

Valentine's Day Activeness #5: Share God's Love

You'll Need:

  • a Bible;
  • ruddy tablecloths;
  • party favor bags with heart designs (6 to eight per group or family);
  • heart-shaped items for favor bags such every bit cookie cutters, chocolates, lollipops, or balloons (not inflated);
  • reddish gift ribbon cut into foot-long pieces (one per favor bag);
  • a printer;
  • hole punches;
  • and adult chaperones if it's not a family projection

Impress minor tags that have your church name and data on one side and "God loves you!" on the other side. Set up folding tables at the back of the room as an assembly station. Decorate the tables with red tablecloths and place favor bags, souvenir items, tags, hole punches, and ribbon in that location.

The Experience

Read aloud Galatians v:13.

Say: Nosotros can't keep God's love only to ourselves—nosotros share information technology by serving others. When we actually understand how much God loves us, his dearest overflows out of our hearts and spills onto our neighbors, also! Sometimes just telling someone "God loves yous!" and showing kindness to that person is all we demand to do. Let's create some fun goody bags to show the people in our neighborhood that God loves them.

A Valentine's Day goodie bag decorated with a tag that say God loves you!

Instruct everyone to come to the favor bag assembly station at the dorsum of the room. Station smaller children and a few adults at 1 cease and the older children and additional adults at the other terminate. The smaller children tin take a favor bag and walk down the assembly line, placing each of the various items inside the bag and handing it off to an older child or adult. The older children and adults tin hole dial tags, string them onto a piece of ribbon, and tie the ribbon in a knot or bow effectually the height of the favor bags.

When the favor bags are completed, ask:

  • Which items in our favor bags do y'all recollect show the most love, and why?
  • What do you hope people exercise or think when they get these bags?

Delivering the Honey

Say: These favor bags are just a small reminder of God'due south love. Let'due south take these to our neighbors and share his love with them. Before nosotros go, let'due south pray.

Pray: Honey God, nosotros ask that you multiply your love equally we endeavor to share information technology with our neighbors. Touch their hearts and allow them know just how much you dearest them. In Jesus' proper name, amen.

If y'all're not using this as a family action, course pocket-size groups and include ii adults in each group. Requite each family or small group 6 to eight goody bags and send them out in dissimilar directions to distribute bags. If the conditions or fourth dimension doesn't permit immediate distribution of the favor numberless to neighbors around your church, accept kids or families accept a gift purse home and distribute favor numberless to their own neighbors at a afterward time.

Valentine's Mean solar day Action #6: Filled With Beloved

You'll Demand:

  • a Bible;
  • strawberries, cut in half lengthwise;
  • cream cheese;
  • sliced bagels;
  • plastic knives;
  • plates;
  • and napkins

Spread out all the snack supplies on a table. Optional: Employ a disposable tablecloth to make cleanup easier.

The Feel

Read aloud Romans 5:v.

A bagel topped with cream cheese and a half of a strawberry.

Say: God can fill up our hearts with beloved through his Holy Spirit. (Concord up a bagel slice.) Permit'south say this bagel represents a person who doesn't believe in God. At that place's something missing! (Point to the hole in the bagel. Requite anybody a bagel piece on a plate.)

Say: When the Holy Spirit comes, he spreads his love all over united states of america. Spread the foam cheese on your bagel. (Permit time.)

Say: And when the Holy Spirit fills our hearts, nosotros're full of love, and not missing annihilation! Cover the hole in your bagel with a strawberry piece to show how your middle is total of God's dear. Have each person put a strawberry slice in the middle to embrace the hole in the bagel.


  • How does God's beloved help make full the states when we feel empty?
  • Describe what difference God's love makes in your life.

Say: God loves the states then much that he sent Jesus to die for us. And after Jesus came dorsum to life and went to heaven, he sent the Holy Spirit to be here on earth. The Holy Spirit is inside everyone who believes in Jesus, so we're never alone. We can be full of God's love!

Valentine'south Day Activeness #7: Spread the Love Necklace

You'll Need:

  • a Bible;
  • colorful magazines or catalogs;
  • scissors;
  • jewelry cord;
  • toothpicks;
  • and quick-drying craft glue.

The Feel

Gear up up tables, and set out the arts and crafts supplies. Have children follow these steps:

  1. Cut colorful magazine pages into 25 long triangles. These triangles need to be 1 inch at the base and at to the lowest degree 8 inches long.
  2. With the most colorful side facing downwardly, place the toothpick at the base of the triangle.
  3. Roll the toothpick toward the point, wrapping the paper around the toothpick as yous gyre.
  4. Add together a dab of gum at the paper point and printing against the rolled paper. Once the glue has stale, remove the toothpick.
  5. When all the paper chaplet are dry, string every bit many as volition fit onto the jewelry cord, leaving enough cord to tie.
  6. Show kids how to tie their necklaces with a knot that tin easily be untied.

A child making a piece of a jewelry.

Say: Valentine'south Day is a cracking time to remember that God has shown u.s.a. a lot of love. Become into pairs, and meet how many things you lot tin can think of that God has done to show he loves you lot. Point to a new bead for each affair you lot name, and see if you tin get all the way around your necklace.

Say: Wow! God has done a lot to prove that he loves united states. And we tin can laissez passer on his love.


  • What are some loving things nosotros can do for others?

Read aloud 1 John three:18.

Say: Let's commit to passing on his love. Each fourth dimension yous do something to show love this week, take a dewdrop off your necklace and give it to that person, telling them that Jesus loves them. See how apace you can empty your necklace!

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